How Are Radio Waves Used On Earth?
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RADIO NATURE, Reception and study of natural origin radio signals. English language version is available by RSGB world wide
Click on the counter to view visitors information . P rovided by PROMOTED SITES and ACTIVITIES aligned to Open up-LAB rule | * On the potential meteors ELF/VLF radiations - Perseids 2009 campaign past J.L.Rault (posted on Nov.09) * SAQ Commemorative transmissions by Claudio Parmigiani, IZ2FER (posted Jan 08) * LUMINOUS PHENOMENA IN THE HESSDALEN VALLEY AND VLF EMISSIONS past R. Romero and J. Monari (upd. Nov. 2005) * EARTHQUAKE PRECURSORS Past Dionysios Dimakos (Upd. Apr2004) *THE REMOTE Control FREQUENCIES past Jean Marie POLARD (upd Nov 2003) * VLF at Home Past C. Parmigiani (upd October 2002) * Reception of (strange) VLF signals with a PC, By Harald Lutz (upd Nov 2001) * SEISMIC RADIO EMISSIONS, By R. Romero (upd Dec 2001) * When signals don't arrive from as well far away (see: the faux receptions) By R. Romero, (upd. 25/08/00) * VLF monitoring of 18/11/99 Leonid METEORS By R. Romero, (upd. 19/01/00) * O.Pe.Ra., Permanent Observatory on Natural Radio Emissions By R. Romero, (upd. 19/01/00) * Concluding INSPIRE mission of MIR, NASA-INSPIRE Projection By R. Romero, (upd. 05/12/99) * Active and passive systems Past R. Romero, (upd. 26/07/99) * UNATTENDED OPERATIONS, When the station piece of work automatically Past R. Romero, (upd. 22/10/99) *Design of Loftier-Performance Magnetic Field Sensors for ELF � LF Betoken Reception and Characterization by Evan Iverson (posted November.2012) *Synergistic Living with the Geomagnetic Field by John Meloy (posted Jun.2012) *Uncomplicated World-IONOSPHERE WAVEGUIDE Adding By Thierry Alves (upd Oct 2003) * On the possible origin, propagation and detectability of ELECTROMAGNETIC PRECURSORS OF EARTHQUAKES past East. R. Mognaschi (upd Apr 2003) * What and Where is the Natural Noise Floor? By John Meloy (upd Jan 2003) * FFT for dummies By R. Romero (upd October 2002) * Receiving Loop Theory Past William Eastward. Payne (upd Oct. 2002) * ELF and VLF frequency Guide, By. Jacobsen ( upd November 2001) * EXPERIMENTS ON RADIO Direction FINDING with an ORTHOLOOP, By Vittorio De Tomasi (upd Jul 2001) * MULTIDIMENSIONAL EM field analysis and representation, By Peter Schmalkoke (upd. Jun 2001) * THINKING ABOUT Platonic LOOPS By Chiliad. Bruno, (upd. Feb.2001) * THE RUSSIAN VLF TIME-SIGNAL STATIONS �BETA� Past T. Jacobsen, (upd. 04/12/00) * THE RUSSIAN VLF NAVAID SYSTEM, ALPHA, RSDN-20 By T. Jacobsen, (upd. twenty/07//00) * STATIONS, ITU lic. and services below 22 kHz By R. Warnett & others, (upd. 24/02/00) * RADIO SIGNALS OF NATURAL ORIGIN, Theory By R. Romero (upd. 31/12/99) | *From coaxial to optical fiber by P.Poggi (posted Dec.2014) *The stealth antenna past P.Poggi (posted October.2014) *Dual polarization, balanced, VLF antenna past P.Poggi (posted May.2014) *A Loftier Bandwidth, Depression Dissonance Optical VLF Link by Mike Smith (posted Feb.2014) * IDEALLOOP H301 - VLF loop receiver by L. Feletti and R. Romero (posted January.2014) *Audio Antenna by Pierluigi Poggi (posted Jul.2013) *New theory about the ELF- Footing Signals past Kurt Diedrich (posted Jun.2013) *INSTALLATION OF TNU VLF RECEIVER past Le Minh Tan and TNU VLF grouping Tay Nguyen university (posted Feb.2013) *A 0.1 to 40 Hz SENSING, Workout AND RECORDING SYSTEM: Role 1/3 : the loop and the pre-amplifier Part ii/3 : the signal conditioner Part iii/3 : the recorder By Serge Lac�te (posted Jan.2012) *EXPLORER E202 - VLF portable receiver By Renato Romero (posted Dec. 2010) *THE B3CKS VLF - ANTENNA PROJECT by Torsten Heer (posted Sept '10) * UPGRADING RECORDING METHODS by Dave EWER (posted on Apr. 08) *NOTES ON �DIMENSIONING A MINIMAL ELECTRICAL FIELD RECEIVER FOR ELF/ULF BANDS� By Andrea Dell�Immagine IW5BHY (posted Jan 08) *Characterization and use of a Minimal Loop in RDF Automated Monitoring Stations Past Renato Romero (nov.07) *IN SEARCH OF THE SCHUMANN RESONANCES By C. Re (Jul 06) *SPECTRUM 1 VLF RECEIVER By D. Ewer (Jul 06) * "ADA", AN Agile DIFFERENTIAL ANTENNA FOR 5Hz � 500 Khz, Past Claudio Re (upd. Nov. 2005) *A MINIMAL ELF LOOP RECEIVER By R. Romero (upd. Sept. 2005) *CHARACTERISTIC OF UNEXPLAINED Ground ELF SIGNALS By Grand. Diedrich & F.P. Zantis (Upd. Jun 2005) * FLOATING SOLAR RECEIVER Past Renato Romero (Upd. Jun 2004) * HOW DOES AN Earth DIPOLE WORK? By Renato Romero (upd.Mar2004) *RDF EARTH MONITORING by Renato Romero (upd Dic 2003) * VLF TUBE RECEIVER by Giuseppe Accardo and Alan Scremin (upd Aug 2003) * THE LOCK IN MODULATION IN ULTRA Depression FREQUENCY APPLICATION by A. Ghedi (upd May 2003) * Noise suppression on a PC past Tomislav Stimac and Berislav Bracun (upd Jan 2003) * XSP "X Signal Pr�dactor" Receiver Front-terminate By G. Seleri (upd Aug 2002) * VLF antenna "BIKELOOP" By R. & C. Parmigiani , Thousand. Seleri (upd May 2002) * STORM MONITOR, past Russell East. Clift, AB7IF (upd october 2001) * MAGNETIC ANTENNAE FOR ULF, By Hans Michlmayr (upd. Jun 2001) *RDF SOFTWARE, WITH A Stock-still LOOP By R. Romero (upd. May 2001) *GOING LOW IN FREQUENCY WITH LOOP ANTENNAS By P. Schmalkoke (upd May 2001) * AN Easy VLF LOOP, 200Hz-20kHz reception without transformers By R. Romero & M. Bruno, (upd. Dic.2000) * Mobile Stereo NATURAL RADIO ii, Another approach to Natural Radio By D. Ewer, (upd. 18/06/00) * Mobile Stereo NATURAL RADIO, function one By D. Ewer, (upd. 07/05/00) * The use of Low noise OP AMP By M. Bruno, (upd. 24/02/00) | VLF Openlab Observatories
* How to get-go up a VLF observatory By R. Romero * How to put a VLF observatory on-line By R. Romero * Create your own streaming VLF Audio programme By R. Romero
*ELF PULSATIONS GALLERY - SRS Reception by F.Francione (posted Oct.2014) *ELF - Basis Signals Gallery by Kurt Diedrich (posted Jul.2013) *WISTLERS GALLERY by Dave Ewer (posted Jun '10) * RISERS AND CHORUS GALLERY by Dave Ewer (posted Jun '10) * CHORUS GALLERY past D. Ewer (posted Jun '10) * RDF Earth Dipole RECEPTION GALLERY by Renato Romero (upd. Jan 2004) * UNEXPLAINED ULF-ELF SIGNALS GALLERY n�3 By R. Romero, (upd. 09/ten/00) * UNEXPLAINED ULF-ELF SIGNALS GALLERY n�ii By R. Romero, (upd. 07/05/00) * FREE TOPIC COLLABORATIONS Shop n�1 Various, (upd. 28/03/00) * Broad band listening, 2Hz-22kHz, NATURE RADIO By R. Romero, (upd. 26/07/99) * UNEXPLAINED ULF-ELF SIGNALS GALLERY n�1 By R. Romero, (upd. 26/07/99) *Underground Reception of Sch . Resonances by Sven Nordin (posted Sept.2013) *The Schumann's symphonies past Pierluigi Poggi (posted Jul.2013) *Signals in the ELF-Range ,Role III-1 by Thou.Diedrich, F.-P. Zantis (posted Jun 'x) *Signals in the ELF-Range, Part III-2, by K. Diedrich, F.-P. Zantis (posted Jun '10) *Large INDUCTION Gyre for ULF monitoring By M. Bruna (Oct'06) *UNKNOWN ELF-SIGNALS and Basis CURRENTS by Kurt Diedrich (upd. October 2003 * Frozen Lightnings By C. Parmigiani , (upd Aug 2002) * ZEVS, THE RUSSIAN 82 Hz ELF TRANSMITTER By T. Jacobsen, (upd. Gen.2001) * RECEPTION of SUBMARINE advice systems Past R. Romero & Five. Lehtoranta, (upd. 22/11/99) |
How Are Radio Waves Used On Earth?,
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