How Far From Medford To Portland
Distance from Portland, OR to Medford, OR
There are 221.09 miles from Portland to Medford in due south direction and 274 miles (440.96 kilometers) by car, following the I-5 S route.
Portland and Medford are 4 hours 24 mins far autonomously, if you drive non-stop .
This is the fastest route from Portland, OR to Medford, OR. The halfway point is Curtin, OR.
Portland, OR and Medford, OR are in the same time zone (PDT). Current time in both locations is 12:xxx pm.
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Gas Consumption and Emissions
A car with a fuel efficiency of MPG will need 10.99 gallons of gas to comprehend the road between Portland, OR and Medford, OR.
The estimated cost of gas to go from Portland to Medford is $41.56.
During the route, an average car will release 215.28 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. The carbon footprint would exist 0.79 pounds of CO2 per mile.
- Average USA gas cost used for calculation is $3.78 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated on December 24, 2022.
- Read more about our COii calculation.
Best Hotels In or Virtually Medford, OR
Do you have where to stay when you go far to Medford, OR? Check out our hotel recommendations:
Halfway Point Between Portland, OR and Medford, OR
If yous want to meet halfway between Portland, OR and Medford, OR or merely make a stop in the eye of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 43.727692 and -123.176804, or 43º 43' 39.6912" North, 123º 10' 36.4944" W. This location is 136.fourscore miles away from Portland, OR and Medford, OR and it would have approximately 2 hours 12 mins to reach the halfway signal from both locations.
Closest Metropolis or Boondocks to Halfway Point
The closest town to the halfway point is Curtin, OR, situated 139 miles from Portland, OR and 135 miles from Medford, OR. It would take 2 hours 15 mins to go from Portland to Curtin and 2 hours nine mins to go from Medford to Curtin.
Major City Closest to Halfway Point
The major city closest to the halfway indicate between Portland, OR and Medford, OR is Eugene, OR, situated 110 miles from Portland, OR and 166 miles from Medford, OR. It would accept i hour 49 mins to go from Portland to and 2 hours 40 mins to go from Medford to Eugene.
Major Cities Along the Road
The only major city along the route is Salem, OR.
Weather in Portland and Medford
Compare the conditions today and the side by side four days in Portland, OR and Medford, OR:
Lowest Price Rental Cars in Portland, OR
Planning on renting a automobile to get from Portland, OR to Medford, OR? Here there are some offers to rent a car in or near Portland, OR:

From $14

From $eighteen

From $24

From $28

From $40
Compare rental auto prices in Portland »
Distance conversions
Checkout the altitude in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Portland, OR and Medford, OR in this tabular array:
Distance type | Miles | Kilometers | Nautical miles |
Direct line distance | 221.09 mi | 355.81 km | 192.12 nautical mi |
Driving distance | 274 mi | 440.32 km | 237.76 nautical mi |
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